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Super easy-to-use website builder

Penpages — fast and lean, perfect for beginners

Starting with the basics, you'll have Penpages installed on the web and ready to use in under 30 minutes.

You don’t need to know web-coding or scripting languages — Penpages will just work.

Use immediately & learn as you go

You'll quickly become familiar with Penpages as you build your site content. Working within the default layout will be very easy. First you will add a category page, then you will create one or more information pages for that category.

The user guide takes you through all the steps OR you can try the DEMO now.

Open-source code that's documented for Advancing Learners

When you're ready to know more about what's at the core of every database driven website (i.e. Wordpress, Squarespace, Weebly, Wix etc.), Penpages can help you understand how a CMS works at the nuts and bolts level.

And don't you already know it ... those supposedly "easy" systems are quite a bit daunting for the beginner! At the very least Penpages will help you better understand what's going on behind the Wordpress interface. You may even find Penpages useful as a quick prototyping tool for developing a complex site.

Want control over everything?

No problem. We offer an open-structured Content Management System (CMS) with the least complexity. A small number of files that you can easily view, modify and extend as needed.

You can also install Penpages locally — on your own computer, independent of WWW access. Great for testing your development "offline" before going live.


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Downloading Penpages - Terms and Conditions

While Penpages is free to use, our user base is small. Oddly, we'd like to keep it that way. There's a certain level of extra security to be had when something is not widely used by millions of people...

NEW update - version 2.0.9

So what are you doing during the lockdown? Work has kinda shrivelled up. Garden is now immaculate... well kinda. Cleaned the gutters, decobwebbed, freezer full of baked goodies... Penpages upd...

PP2 (default) with "NoDate" theme

This category is styled with the "default" Penpages theme for version 2.0. The ITEM page (link below) shows an example of this theme using the NoDate theme add-on. When applied to a category, the No...